When You’ve Been Charged With An Alcohol Crime As A Minor
Many minors who are arrested for alcohol and drug offenses make the mistake of pleading guilty. They think that by simply paying the fine, they can put the event behind them. But paying a fine is an admission of guilt; as a result, the offense can follow you for life. Carl Henry Judin III, Attorney and Counselor, in Dallas urges teenagers, young adults or parents to contact us and request a free consultation after a DUI arrest.
Understand DUI, Minor In Possession And Minor In Consumption Of Alcohol
If you are a minor (under 21) or a juvenile (under 17) and have been arrested for DUI or any alcohol or drug-related offense in Texas, you should talk to an experienced attorney. A knowledgeable lawyer can explain your alcohol and drug-related charges, including:
- DUI – Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs
- MIP – Minor in possession of alcohol or drugs
- MIC – Minor in consumption of alcohol
- Misrepresentation of age and fake ID
- Providing alcohol to a minor
- Other youthful offenses
Protect Your Record, Minimize Your Penalties
There are a number of alternatives to conviction and incarceration. You may even be able to completely clear your record of the arrest or conviction. C.H. "Hank" Judin III can explain these options and discuss how we may be able to help you. For a free initial consultation, call 972-704-1075.
Fortunately for minors, the state of Texas offers means by which juveniles can minimize the penalties they face and keep their permanent records clean. With a deferred probation judgment, for example, the minor can avoid having a conviction entered on the record, provided that he or she complies with the terms of the probation. At the age of 21, he or she can then file a petition for expunction, in which the record of the arrest and probation is destroyed. It is as if the event never happened at all.
Let Us Explain How We Can Help Right Away
C.H. "Hank" Judin III has over 30 years of experience defending youthful offenders and adults in drunk driving, alcohol, and drug-related cases in North Texas. We will work to keep your record clean and to protect your future educational and career options.
For a free initial consultation with the Dallas law offices of C.H. "Hank" Judin III, call 972-704-1075 or send us an email.